Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Saat Seorang Introvert Bercerita-ceriti

Hmm, baru nyadar klo mungkin saya kurang... apa ya istilahnya? Terbiasa untuk bercerita soal diri sendiri. (hah? baru nyadar nes?!) iya, baru nyadar kalau saya ternyata cukup introvert... and a bit sarcastic! Haha. I thought I was a positive person. But I guess everyone has a darker side. Mine, unfortunately, has overflowed my positive side. Hmm.

Nyadarnya piye? Setelah balik dari Indonesia sampai kemarin, banyak teman sepertinya "lost" dg kabar terakhir saya.
Kamu gimana seh kabarnya? Kegiatanmu sekarang apa? Tinggal dimana?

Suer, hampir setiap kali ada teman nelpon, nanyanya itu! Doesn't anyone know me but at all?
Dan sejuta komplain sejenis gini:
Kamu kok gak pernah onlineeeee????
Dan jawabannya: males.
Kamu kok ditelpon ga pernah bisaaaaa???
Jawabnya: Lagi ganti ke abonemen. Masih nunggu nummerbehoud. 2 minggu lagi juga bisa.

Karena menurut saya: ngapain sih, emang ada yg peduli sama saya. Lagian siapa gitu yg peduli kalo kita cerita "aku lagi gini looo" or "aku lagi gitu loo".

BUT, beberapa minggu terakhir ini saya nyadar kalau sarcastic behavior saya ini harus dihentikan. Karena, ternyata... pasti teman-teman peduli dengan cerita2 kita. (Ternyata? Duuh..). Buktinya, saya juga peduli kok...

I did care enough untuk baca cerita2nya Oma Nia tentang kuliahnya..
I did care enough untuk baca cerita2nya Svya tentang jalan2, atau kerjaan...
I did care enough untuk baca ceritanya Ulma tentang buku yg lagi dia baca... (and her general-wondering about life, in her own eccentric way :D-> love it, tho. )

So I thought, why not? Lagian kalau kita terbuka sama orang lain, berarti kita terbuka sama diri sendiri... kan?


So how's my life, as of this moment? Hmm, where to start.
Oh, pamer hadiah nikah dulu aaaaah. Alhamdulillah, selain dapat uang, kita juga dapat barang2 yg kita butuhin. Rice cooker & magic steamer ukuran gede. Seterika uap. Panci presto!! (yaay!) But among all household-things we got.. these are my faves.

Cute, huh? Warnanya kombinasi maroon, putih bersih, orange, peach-pink and grass green. Jadi serasa ngliat color swatch set bikinan sendiri di illustrator. hihi :D
I especially loooove tutupnya. I dunno, it's sort of.. konde? Cepol? Guess :D
Dan itu aslinya toples kaca biasa, tapi dipakein "baju" dari kain apa ya itu... teksturnya sih velvet-y. Bottom line: love it.

Baru sebulan nikah, I realized that my world does start to change. Yang dulunya evolve around me-myself-and-I, sekarang sadar atau nggak saya selalu mikirin si Komar. Walaupun cuma decision remeh seperti jenis koffiepad Senseo apa yg mau dibeli di Dirk, I do consider him.

Kira-kira kalo aku beli yg dark roast, Komar juga suka ga ya?

Hehehe. And no, it doesn't get too much. and it's so worthed! karena kalau emang akhirnya dia suka kopi itu, dan dia minum kopi itu dg nikmat... it's just so peaceful to watch. Doh, berlebihan ya? But that is, indeed, the way I feel :)
Apalagi kalau dia makan masakan saya dg lahap... wuahhhhh... senangg sekaliiiii..

And it works the other way around, too. Malahan akhir2 ini dia yg lebih sering masak, bikin kopi, doing the chores. Hehehe. And he does love it when I enjoy his cooking.

And how's me?
Well, the thing is, saya mulai bosan dengan graphic design skill yang gini-gini aja. And I do realize I gotta do something kalau pengen karir saya menanjak. Untuk sekarang, sementara saya masih kerja dari rumah. Komar and his bro punya bisnis internet hosting, plus website design and application development. That includes identity design, which is my area to cover. And recently... I got bored with what I do.

Don't get me wrong. I do love designing identity. Saya juga pegang website lay-out. And I recently discovered, that I actually CAN draw. Dulunya, yg kalau ndesain masih asal comot stock images atau pake brush, sekarang saya udah pede bikin brush sendiri. Dan gambar ilustrasi sendiri. Sometimes I bang my head for not realizing this earlier. Dulu saya pikir saya ga bisa gambar babar blas. I never really tried drawing in high school. Ngasal aja, kalau lagi tugas seni rupa. Gak pede....

Back then, I had not discovered my potential. Meskipun bisa dan suka design-gambar-dan seni-senian, tp asal banget. I thought it wasn't my strength. And now, I know it is, but I still have to do something to develop myself to the fullest. Bukan, bukan Master of Fine Art ... although itu juga salah satu future plan saya (doakan yaaa). Sekarang, yg saya butuhkan cuma career training and portfolio development.

Jadi, doakan saya secepatnya, dan selancarnya, memulai kuliah lagi di Rhode Island School of Design... Eh bukaaaaan! Di SAE Institute, Amsterdam. No, not another bachelor. Tapi post-grad diploma in web and graphic design development. But first of all, saya harus segera ngurus ini diploma B.Comm yg masih mampett..pett.. pet. Hihihi :D

So... *minjem tagline-nya Oma Nia:* pray for me, peeps ;)


Fewh. Enak juga cerita2 panjang lebar gini ternyata.
Elvin, gak mau nyoba juga? :D :D :D

Last but not least, here's one little photo from our wedding. Ada banyak lagi, tp belum di upload ke laneysa.com/wedding. Komar udah upload ke picasa albumnya, if anyone care to peek.


Unknown said...

oh you'll hear about me soon enough ;)

lagian, kalo udah orang lain yang cerita tentang aku,

why bother?

a.k.a. Nez said...


:D :D :D

Ntik malem jadi kan kesini???

Kinda miss u and ifta niiih! *wow, suddenly jadi "sunny person" lagi*

Unknown said...

ntik malem jadi dounk ke sana

dinner sekalian ya :p

Unknown said...

tau gak sih, im scared when ure being over-positive like that -.- i like ur sarcasm.. or..used to u being sarcastic.. misery loves company -.- myb its the sunshine of marriage life.. myb its komar :D hahah.. but yeah.. im in my cave (or mouse hole as elvin put it) with limited view of sunshine..
anyway, ur post just nudged sumthin inside me that i couldnt put in words -.-
opo seh jadi ga jelas gini -.-
i kinda miss the old times but i've burned so many bridges its hard to look back :p
take caareeee ^^

Unknown said...

ow yea.. i care about whats happening to you. but when ure not posting any update i'd b thinking that ure the same old neysa. n yea, if u dont want to talk about yourself its also fine coz it also shows ure not too self-centered :p n i browsed all ur wedding pics! :P we DO care :D

Unknown said...

neess im sorry that i left so many comments -.-
the side of yours that doesnt really care about inward thoughts n emotions is exactly how an extrovert is :D

introvert doesnt mean reluctant to talk about themselves, true they do.. but its because they are really2 drawn to self-musing stuff. thats why introvert ppl like blogs coz they could abuse it to write about their thoughts :p (like me)

in real life, i wont do it xD
extrovert ppl will spend their energy doing outside stuff. n most of the time pretty okay with their state of mind.

u r sarcastic but ure positive towards urself. n i guess its not sarcastic, ure just saying whats inside ur head. which is normal for extrovert ppl. introvert ppl would think about it first, thoroughly if they're really2 introvertd, bfore saying anything.

ok ok i'll shut up :p


Nez, gimana udah kontak-kontakan sama Ratih? Dia nanyain

a.k.a. Nez said...

ahh.. so many comments.

vi: I'll c u *again* this weekend..

ulm: thx, thx, thx dear. I guess I know that I promised myself to always try to be true in what I say and what I do to other ppl regardless what they might feel about it. I wouldn't stop being myself just because other ppl might not like it. I guess in some point it shows that I AM extrovert. and selfish. ><
but thanks, again. seriously :) I miss the old times, too, u know..

prima: waks, ditanyain? dia belum nemu designernya ta? kupikir dia dah ga nyari lagi lo, kan dah lama banget...

Unknown said...


i like that nickname :p

walaupun asal usulnya vi editor -.-"

anywaay, aku pernah baca, a creative person usually has dual traits, both extrovert and introvert :D

there :D


Uhm...ada sih, tapi setelah liat hasilmu dia pengen tahu teman-temanmu yang kau rekomendasikan. Yaa...pertemanan ^_^