Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Chronicles of Wisdom Tooth

Just when I thought I could *finally* get rid of my health+dental insurance (since I'm on tight budget and some extra 107,5 €/ month would be super nice) the nightmare finally outbreaks.

My wisdom tooth. Erupting. Well, seems like it. Not sure yet until I got my lovely swollen jaw checked.

I paid my last visit to my dentist in November, for regular control... and everything looked fine. All the fillings in my molars ( yes, 5 out of my 8 molars has fillings...) seemed o.k. And no extra cavities, pfiuuh. I've been pretty good with my teeth all year long, post my 2007 toothache trauma.
I thought, if from thereon I just had to pay 40 € every 6 months... what's the need of my maximal-500-euro-coverage dental insurance anyway?

And my basic health insurance? Peh. I could just cut it out of my monthly bill along with my dental insurance. Never used it anyway. And when it's time to renew my residence permit (which requires one to be insured under a health insurance) I can just apply for a new one, say circa one or two months ahead. Which I will hang on for only one or two months after I got my residence permit :D So, out of 12 months in a year I would just pay the insurance premie for 4-5 months. Smart idea :D (Hey, don't judge me yet... blame the Dutch government and their obsolete requirements).

Well, initially, that was the plan.

But now it seems that I'd still need to keep my insurance... most seemingly to cover the cost of the wisdom-tooth-extraction. That means another molar removal for me..... NOOOOOOO! I had my last one on May '08... and now another one...???!!

Ahhhh... when is this never-ending dental horror ever gonna end? :(

*pic taken from here. This dude also wrote a very SOUND explanation about how the wisdom tooth surgery would look like. Beware and get a grip before reading it.


Unknown said...

aouch.. si intan jg barusan operasi tuh.. my wisdom teeth malah blm keluar2.. ya.. kyk udh keluar dikit, dan gusinya kayak udh lepas setengah gt.. tapi terus mandeg..

Unknown said...

btw,.. the "dude"'s blog is wicked xD pretty good illustrations.. u know him?

a.k.a. Nez said...

hahaha the dude's pretty wicked eh? nope I dunno him, kebetulan aja nemu blog e pas lg cari2 gambar kartun wisdom tooth :D

hari kamis ke tandarts nih.. hiyyy moga2 ga perlu operasi *walopun chances are good that I'd need surgery, soalnya diliat2 uda ga ada tempat buat si geraham :(*